Welcome to Our Quirky World
It all started with a joke. No, really, it kinda did.
Long story short, a father was hunting for a cool new toy to play with during his retirement that would add to his woodworking toolset, and stumbled upon laser engravers. His nerdy son couldn’t help but come over and play with it when he wasn’t using it. Come a “return to work” mandate after COVID, and the nerdy son got ticked about people barging into his cubicle while he was on calls with people who weren’t ready to return to work. Nerdy son learns Adobe illustrator, makes a light up sign that says “Virtual Meeting In Progress.” Botches the design, and shoves it on his cubicle. Dad laughs. Says, “Son put this on the internet and people will buy it.” Son says no. Dad says yes. Son fixes design, and puts on internet. Against the odds, it sells. Boom. Pullins Enterprises LLC is born.
Fast forward to today. Now we are over here not only making more signs to help people tell other people they are busy, but also making things to just try to make life a bit more fun for everyone. We don’t really have a goal, other than just make stuff for people. We hope you enjoy our little fun corner of the world.